Cirkulære tekstiludbud: Fra udfordringer til muligheder
De offentlige aktører står for en stor del af Danmarks samlede tekstilindkøb og er allerede i gang med at stille krav til klima- og miljø-hensyn. Men hvad med cirkularitet? Vi ser på, hvilke muligheder der er indenfor udbudsmarkedet for at understøtte cirkulære forretningsmodeller, men også hvilke udfordringer dette har.
Debatten modereres af Miljøstyrelsen, og debattørerne vil være kommunale og private aktører samt Miljømærkning Danmark og en forsker.
What is LOOP Forum?
The most business-focused event in the Nordics with focus on RESPONSIBLE USE OF RESOURCES. 3OOO+ attendees sharing practical insights and professional knowledge, showcasing tangible solutions and circular economy practices,, debating challenges and influencing policymaking.
What's on the Agenda?
Addressing how to tackle business-critical issues, related to climate change: data & documentation, digital product passport, CSRD, taxsonomy, extended producer responsibility and more
Connecting business professionals, investors, entrepreneurs, public authorities, researchers, thought leaders and policy makers.
Where & When?
Copenhagen 24-25 April 2024
Lokomotivværkstedet Otto Busses Vej 5A 2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark
Showcase your Solution
Do you have solutions for the circular transition?
Companies worldwide have started rethinking their linear business model to circular value chains.
Help them build strong sustainable companies with your solution